Commands list
Commands usage
Command rachelp in server console will show you all the available commands:
Command racversion in server console will show the anticheat version that you are running on your server.
Clear Everything
Command clearall in server console will delete every unused vehicles, peds and objects on the server. You can change this command from config file (Config.ClearAllCommand).
Clear vehicles
Command clearvehicles in server console will delete every unused vehicles on the server. You can change this command from config file (Config.ClearVehiclesCommand).
Clear ped
Command clearpeds in server console will delete every ped on the server. You can change this command from config file (Config.ClearPedsCommand).
Clear objects
Command clearobjects in server console will delete every object / prop on the server. You can change this command from config file (Config.ClearObjectsCommand).
Ban list
Command racbans in server console will print on console all bans from bans.json file. The result will show the Id, Player name, Reason and Date. You can change this command from config file (Config.BanListCommand)
Unban player from server console
Command racunban <Id> in server console will remove (unban) the player with the entered Id from the anticheat ban list. Before enter the Id to unban the player, you have to use the Ban list command (Config.BanListCommand) in order to get the Id you want to remove (unban) or check the bans.json file and get the "id". You can change the unban player command from config file (Config.UnbanCommand).
The Id you enter is not the player id from your server, the Id is the number of ban got in the ban list. You have get the Id by typing Ban list command (Config.BanListCommand) in server console and it will provide as first element for each ban or get it from bans.json file, the field "id"
As an example for the above ban list, if we want to remove the player with Id 3, we have to type racunban 3
By unbanning a player from server console with Config.UnbanCommand, the file bans.json will also get updated.
Unban all players from server console
Command racunbanall will remove (unban) all players from the anticheat ban list. You can change this command from config file (Config.UnbanAllCommand)
By unbanning all players from server console with Config.UnbanAllCommand, the file bans.json will also get updated.
Event Protection
Command raceventprotection [install] [resource name] will add event protection automatically to all events registered in that resource. This feature will not allow players to call trigger events from executors. When a trigger is called for a player from scripts normally, there will not be any problem, but if the player tries to call the trigger from executor he will be detected and get him banned. When this command is executed in server console the fxmanifest and server scripts of your resource will be affected.
The event protection works on tokenizer principle, which means each protected event generates a token when a trigger server event is called from the server, and if the token does not match, the player will get banned.
In case the command for adding event protection to the resource does not work properly for you or you want to protect only some events from the resource, you can add the event protection manually. To add event protection manually you have to replace in your server scripts from the resource the AddEventHandler with SecuredEventHandler for all events you want to protect and add in fxmanifest the following lines:
Make sure that you started the anticheat resource as first resource in server.cfg, above your resource list.
Make sure to create a backup of your resource before you use this command in order to recover it.
Dump protection
Command racdumpprotection [install] [resource name] will add dump protection to the mentioned resource. This feature will not allow players to dump your client files. This command can be used in case you do not want to escrow your resource on keymaster and keep your resource open source in server. If a player dumps your resource or server he will not get banned, but he will not receive the client files if the resource is protected. We encourage you to use escrow system, but in case you do not want to use it, you can use this resource in order to prevent dumping your client file. When this command is executed in server console the fxmanifest of your resource will be affected and it creates a backup folder with all your client files in open source so you can modify your code.
Make sure that you started the anticheat resource as first resource in server.cfg, above your resource list.
Make sure to create a backup of your resource before you use this command in case you want to recover it.
Do not change the name of folder backup. Keep it named backup. In case you rename it, the resource will not work.
Even though the fxmanifest of your resource does not contain the client files from backup folder you do not have to add them. This is how this feature works.
Last updated