The configuration file can be found in cfg folder of anticheat resource named config. Inside the config file you can set values or actions for every feature of anticheat. Down below, each feature will be detailed with more details about each feature even though there are instructions in the config file. Copy and find in the config file the feature you need to adjust.
Be careful with the values and tables. If you do not keep the same format or delete them it will cause errors.
In the future updates you will can configure the configuration file more easily from our site. Our site is currently on going.
Config.discordServer - represents the discord link invite for your server. This link will appear as hyperlink when someone gets banned and tries to connect to your server. Ban window will tell them to join your discord server and they can create a ticket to get unbanned. Also, it will be shown the Reason Anticheat discord server in case they are interested in our work, but if they join to our discord we cannot handle their ban, because it is a local ban.
Keep the same format if you want to add a player in the table.
Config.detectionStart - after this timer, the anticheat will start all detections from client. This timer has been added in case a player has low performance even though it is also checked the player spawn. It is recommended to set a timer between 10-20 seconds (value of 10000-20000 in config files) to not get any detections while he is in awaiting scripts or falling through the map. Also, if the server has low performance, setting a timer is a good thing.
Config.detectionThreshold - represents the timer at which all detections will be performed on player.
Config.WhitelistedIds - is a table where you can add all players' identifier who will have access to the menu and be protected from almost all anticheat detections (if you use cheat as whitelisted user you can get banned for several reasons. we do not allow cheating at all). Is it enough to add only one identifier (license, discord, fivem, xbl, live, steam) in order to whitelist a player in order to have access to the menu and be protected from almost all anticheat detections. You can find player's identifiers in your database or anticheat logs.
Keep the same format if you want to add a player in the table.
In case a player is local banned, whitelisting the player will not allow the player to connect to the server. Whitelisting a player with his identifiers will only give access to the anticheat menu and protect him from almost all anticheat detections. In order to allow him connect to the server you should check Bans section to see how to unban a player in order to allow him connect to the server.
Config.Help, Config.ClearAllCommand, Config.ClearVehiclesCommand, Config.ClearPedsCommand, Config.ClearObjectsCommand - variables that sets your command you can call from server console in order to perform the right action. Check category Commands from the documentations to see the usage of commands and their features.
Config.BlockedExplosions - is a table where is the name of the explosion along with its id that is allowed or not. In case a player will execute any of this not allowed explosion will get banned on first explosion usage. If the name of the explosion along with its id is commented (-- before explosion) means that it is allowed, else if the name of the explosion along its id is not commented (it has not -- before explosion) means that it is not allowed and the player will get banned if he is execute such explosion. In case you use any explosion on the server it will print the explosion id on anticheat logs so you can allow it. Config.antiExplosions will cancel the explosion used at first usage if it set to true. It is recommended to set it to true. Config.explosionsPenalty represents the punishment for the player who executes the action. The punishment can be WARNING, KICK or BAN. It is recommended to keep it as it is in configuration file by default. In this case, it is recommended to keep it with ban because it can be harmful for your server to spawn explosions on the server. In case you have scripts that uses explosions you have to allow them carefuly in Config.BlockedExplosions (even though you have scripts with explosions it is not recommended to allow any explosion and leave the table as it is by default. a cheater can have in his executor / menu an explosion that is allowed and harm your server).
Config.countExplosions will start counting each player explosions used in a certain period of time (Config.explosionsTimer). If a player cause an amount of any type of explosions (Config.explosionsCounter) even though the explosion is allowed (beside the explosions from gas, vehicles or other explosions that can be produced on the server by players) in a certain period of time (Config.explosionsTimer seconds) he will get punished. Even though the explosions from vehicles are not blacklisted they will count in different situations such as the explosion has been produced with no vehicle nearby the player (if there is no vehicle nearby and he is the owner of a vehicle explosion he must be cheating) and try to prevent this type of explosions by deleting the vehicle which is going to explode. This is one example of a situation that is analyzed and deliver full information about the explosion. Also, explosions which are not produced on the server and only on client will be punished. Config.countExplosionsPenalty represents the punishment for the player who executes the action. The punishment can be WARNING, KICK or BAN. It is recommended to keep it as it is in configuration file by default. In this case, it is recommended to keep it with ban because it can be harmful for your server to spawn a big amount of explosions in a short time on the server.
Keep the same format if you want to add / remove a explosion in / from the table.
Explosion occured from client will not work. Banned reason will tell that the explosion has not been occured by the player. This means that the explosion has not been occured on the server, only from client, so this means it occured from a cheating method.
Vehicle explosion is a common method used by cheaters in order to deal damage to players. With Config.countExplosions set to true, vehicle explosion is handled in order to cancel the damage to players and punish the player who tries to explodes with this method.
Config.WhitelistedParticles - is a table which contains all id particles that are allowed on the server. In case the particle is not added as whitelisted particle, the player who execute any particle which is not whitelisted will get banned on first particle usage. In case you use any particle on the server it will print the particle id on anticheat logs so you can whitelist it. Config.antiParticles will cancel the particle used at first usage if it is set to true. It is recommended to set it to true. Config.particlePenalty represents the punishment for the player who executes the action. The punishment can be WARNING, KICK or BAN. It is recommended to keep it as it is in configuration file by default. In this case, it is recommended to keep it with ban because it can be harmful for your server to spawn particles for every player on the server. In case you have scripts that uses particles you have to add them in Config.WhitelistedParticles.
Keep the same format if you want to add a particle in the table.
Config.blacklistedWeapons - is a table which contains weapons that are not allowed. This feature will detect if the player has one of these weapons in his loadout or pull out it in his hands or damage with it. Config.antiblacklistedWeapons will prevent players to use blacklisted weapons in any way (have it in loadout, pull out it in his hands, damage with it) if it is set to true. It is recommended to set it to true. Config.blacklistedWeaponsPenalty represents the punishment for the player who executes the action. The punishment can be WARNING, KICK or BAN. It is recommended to keep it as it is in configuration file by default. In this case, it is recommended to keep it with ban because it can be harmful for your server to use such weapons on the server.
Keep the same format if you want to add / remove a weapon in / from the table.
Config.antiExplosive - is another way to prevent players to use explosive weapons if it is set to true. It is recommended to set it to true. Config.explosivePenalty represents the punishment for the player who executes the action. The punishment can be WARNING, KICK or BAN. It is recommended to keep it as it is in configuration file by default. In this case, it is recommended to keep it with ban because it can be harmful for your server to use such weapons on the server.
Config.blacklistedVehicles - is a table which contains all blacklisted vehicles that are not allowed to be spawned or to enter in them. When the blacklisted vehicle is spawned it will get despawned if the car was spawned on server side or deleted when the player enters the vehicle if the car was spawned on client side. If any player tries to spam spawning a vehicle (whitelisted or blacklisted) it will get banned for spawn limit entities. In case this is an issue, you should adjust your spawn limit vehicles (Config.vehiclesCounter) and timer (Config.entitiesTimer) or adjust your script from your server. Config.enableblacklistedVehicles will make despawn a blacklisted vehicle if it is set to true. It is recommended to set it to true. Config.blacklistedVehiclesPenalty represents the punishment for the player who executes the action. The punishment can be WARNING, KICK or BAN. It is recommended to keep it as it is in configuration file by default. In this case, it is recommended to keep it with warning punishment to despawn the blacklisted vehicle and log on discord if the player spawned a blacklisted vehicle. The reason of warning punishment is because no only cheaters can spawn blacklisted vehicles, also players can spawn them if you have them in your server without checking before or staff members who have access to a spawn vehicle function.
Keep the same format if you want to add a new vehicle model to be blacklisted.
Do not delete the entire table in case you want to allow spawning any vehicle that is blacklisted. You can set it on false or delete only the vehicle you want to use. Deleting the entire table will cause errors and issues to your server.
Config.whitelistedModels - is a table that contains the model ped names that you are allowed to use on the server for yourself as a player. Config.antiblacklistedModels will punish a player who has a different player model which is not whitelisted in Config.whitelistedModels if it is set on true. It is recommended to set it to true if you do not have scripts that allows players to load any player model from GTA 5. Config.blacklistedModelsPenalty represents the punishment for the player who executes the action. The punishment can be WARNING, KICK or BAN. It is recommended to keep it as it is in configuration file by default. In this case, it is recommended to keep it with ban because there are player models that can harm your players' activity on the server or player models that have also functions loaded from cheaters' executor / menu.
Config.whitelistedPeds - is a table that contains the ped names that are allowed to be spawned on the server. If a ped is spawned and it is not in the Config.whitelistedPeds table it will get despawned. If any player tries to spam spawning a ped (whitelisted or blacklisted) it will get banned for spawn limit entities. In case this is an issue, you should adjust your spawn limit peds (Config.pedsCounter) and timer (Config.entitiesTimer) or adjust your script from your server. Config.enableblacklistedPeds will make despawn a ped that is spawned and it is not whitelisted if it is set to true. It is recommended to set it to true. Config.blacklistedPedsPenalty represents the punishment for the player who executes the action. The punishment can be WARNING, KICK or BAN. It is recommended to keep it as it is in configuration file by default. In this case, it is recommended to keep it with warning punishment to despawn the blacklisted ped and log on discord if the player spawned a blacklisted ped. The reason of warning punishment is because no only cheaters can spawn peds, also players can spawn them through some scripts from the server. In case you have such scripts and peds get despawned, add them in table Config.whitelistedPeds.
There are two penalties for blacklisted peds: Config.blacklistedModelsPenalty which is the penalty for using a ped model for your player and Config.blacklistedPedsPenalty which is the penalty for spawning a ped on the server.
Keep the same format if you want to add a new ped model to be whitelisted or blacklisted.
Do not delete the entire table in case you want to allow spawning any ped that is blacklisted. You can set it on false or delete only the ped you want to use. Deleting the entire table will cause errors and issues to your server.
Config.whitelistedProps - is a table that contains the whitelisted objects / props that can be used on the server. If the object / prop is not whitelisted it will get despawned. If any player tries to spam spawning an object / prop (only whitelisted) it will get banned for spawn limit entities. In case this is an issue, you should adjust your spawn limit objects / props (Config.objectCounter) and timer (Config.entitiesTimer) or adjust your script from your server with a cooldown. Config.enableblacklistedProps will make despawn an object / prop which is not whitelisted if it is set to true. It is recommended to set it to true. Config.blacklistedPropsPenalty represents the punishment for the player who executes the action. The punishment can be WARNING, KICK or BAN. It is recommended to keep it as it is in configuration file by default. In this case, it is recommended to keep it with warning punishment to despawn the object / prop which is not whitelisted and log on discord if the player spawned a blacklisted object / prop. The reason of warning punishment is because no only cheaters can spawn objects / props which are not whitelisted, also players can spawn them through some scripts from the server. In case you have such scripts and objects / props get despawned, you have to add them in Config.whitelistedProps.
You are able to add in the Config.whitelistedProps table either name or hash of object / prop. Adding the hash is in case you have a custom object / prop and cannot find the name of the object / prop.
Keep the same format if you want to add a new object / prop model to be whitelisted.
Do not delete the entire table in case you want to allow spawning any object / pro that is not whitelisted. You can add the object / prop that you want to use or set to false in case you do not want to use that object / prop. Deleting the entire table will cause errors and issues to your server.
Config.countEntities will start counting each player entities spawned in a certain period of time (Config.entitiesTimer). If a player spawns an amount of entities, which can be vehicles, peds, objects/props (Config.vehiclesCounter, Config.pedsCounter, Config.objectsCounter) even though the vehicle/ped/object/prop is allowed in a certain period of time (Config.entitiesTimer seconds) he will get punished. Config.countEntitiesPenalty represents the punishment for the player who executes the action. The punishment can be WARNING, KICK or BAN. It is recommended to keep it as it is in configuration file by default. In this case, it is recommended to keep it with ban because it can be harmful for your server to spawn a big amount of entities in a short time on the server.
For Config.vehiclesCounter there is also a check if the player has spawned in the network more than (Config.vehiclesCounter + 5) vehicles. If the player exceeded this value, all unoccupied vehicles will be deleted.
It is not recommended at all to use warning penalty because it has no punishment for the player who is spamming entities and this can lead to server crash due to high consumption of your server and also player's client.
Config.entitySpawnCheck - will prevent players to spawn entities (vehicles, peds or objects/props) from third party softwares (executors or menus) and be able to spawn entities only from your server scripts if it is set to true. If a player spawns an entity from outside the server, the entity will be deleted and send a log to entities room, but if the player will spawn in mass entities (Config.entitySpawnCount) in Config.entitiesTimer seconds from outside the server (executors or menus) he will get banned.
By default it is set to true, but test your server and be sure that this feature will not break your scripts which have creating entities functions. Keep this feature to true only if you are very sure that will not cause issues for spawning entities, otherwise set it to false.
If this feature is set to true, you can set Config.countEntities to false (it is not mandatory, you can keep both to true for higher security and control).
Config.entitiesTimer is valid for both Config.countEntities and Config.entitySpawnCheck.
The only penalty for spawning entities from outside the server is BAN and it cannot be changed. Config.countEntitiesPenalty is not the penalty for this feature. In case you want to disable this feature, set Config.entitySpawnCheck to false
Config.entitySpawnCheck feature will not affect or insert anything to your server scripts.
The Config.entitySpawnCheck feature can be influenced by server performance, latency because it depends on how quickly information is synchronized between client and server. In case there are problems on your server about performance or latency we recommend to try solve them because this feature also tries to avoid these issues as much as possible (based on reports maybe can be improved, but we need more information about situation). In case this feature will affect your server (delete entities which are spawned correctly), if you set this feature to true, please set it back to false.
Even though there are still some methods where cheaters can create entities from their menus/executors, the anticheat resource blocks all possible suspicious entity creation activities at the moment. In case there will be a fix to prevent their actions, it will be announced on future updates. In order to prevent this issue, the only solution is to shift entity creation from client-side to server-side directly from your server or make sure that you have all entity creation functions on server-side and add to your server.cfg one of the lines below at your choice:
sv_entityLockdown relaxed #Blocks only client-created entities that are not owned by scripts.
sv_entityLockdown strict #Prevents clients from creating any entities.
It is recommended to make tests before launching this shift.
For more information about how to shift entity creating from client-side to server-side directly from your server you can follow the Secure your server section
Config.antiAttachVehicles - will delete the vehicles attached to your vehicle or to you as a player if it is set to true. It is recommended to set it to true. In case of a vehicle attached to your vehicle, the vehicle will not be deleted if you are in a utility class vehicle ( In case of a vehicle attached to you as a player, the vehicle will not be deleted if you are trying to enter a vehicle or if you drive the vehicle.
Config.antiEmptyVehicle - will delete the vehicles spawned that are moving empty or remotely controlled if it is set to true. It is recommended to set it to true. In case a vehicle is spawned and remotely controlled (has not a driver, but the vehicle is moving) it will be deleted. In case the vehicle has still not a driver, but the vehicle is moving, if the vehicle reaches an abnormal speed, it will be stopped and if the vehicle is flagged for too many times for this reason, the vehicle will be deleted.
Config.antiLongDistanceVehicle - will delete the vehicles spawned at a long distance from their position if it is set to true. The distance can be set through Config.maxSpawnDistance. It is recommended to set Config.antiLongDistanceVehicle to true. In case you use scripts (such as job scripts) that spawns vehicles at a long distance from the player you can change the value of Config.maxSpawnDistance as needed or set Config.antiLongDistanceVehicle to false in case the value for Config.maxSpawnDistance is very high.
Config.removeCollisionProps - is a table that contains all props you can get through them without causing any impact (such as explosions). By default, all gas pumps are set without collision in order to avoid explosions on the server.
Keep the same format if you want to add / remove obiect / prop collision.
It is recommended for you to keep the gas pump's collision removed and Config.antiCollision set to true in order to avoid explosions on the server and maybe punished.
Config.blacklistedWords - is a table that contains all words that are not allowed to be written on chat. Config.enableblacklistedWords will not let players to write one of these words on chat if it is set to true. It is recommended to set it to true. Config.blacklistedWordsPenalty represents the punishment for the player who executes the action. The punishment can be WARNING, KICK or BAN. It is recommended to keep it as it is in configuration file by default. In this case, it is recommended to keep it with warning punishment to only log on discord if the player used a blacklisted word.
Keep the same format if you want to add / remove blacklisted words on chat.
Config.blacklistedCommands - is a table that contains all commands that are not allowed to be used by players. In case a player uses one of this commands it will be punished. Config.antiblacklistedCommands will prevent players to use blacklisted commands if it is set to true. It is recommended to set it to true. Config.blacklistedCommandsPenalty represents the punishment for the player who executes the action. The punishment can be WARNING, KICK or BAN. It is recommended to keep it as it is in configuration file by default. In this case, it is recommended to keep it with ban because a player can use such commands to load menus / executors / files that can harm your server.
Keep the same format if you want to add / remove blacklisted command on chat.
Config.BlacklistedPlates - is a table that contains all plates of vehicle that are blacklisted. If a player use one of this plates he will get punished.
Keep the same format if you want to add / remove blacklisted plate on vehicle.
Config.BlacklistedTriggers - is a table that contains server side event names along with its limit which can be used / excuted / spammed by players in 10 seconds in order to not affect your server. Config.triggerEvents will count each player trigger calls if it is set to true. It is recommended to set it to true. Config.triggerEventsPenalty represents the punishment for the player who executes the action. The punishment can be WARNING, KICK or BAN. It is recommended to keep it as it is in configuration file by default. In this case, it is recommended to keep it with ban punishment because it can be harmful for your server in case he execute the trigger for many times or spam it in order to abuse.
Config.triggerEventsPenalty set to warning will not perform any action as it could spam your server console and discord log in case there is a player spamming an existing event from the table. Prints on server console and discord log are available only for kick and ban punishment. In case there are bans for an existing event from the table, you can adjust your trigger limit, remove the event from the table or set Config.triggerEvents to false
Keep the same format if you want to add event names or comment (--) / delete them (the entire row) in case you want to remove it. You can also adjust the limit in case you have issues with players that are spamming and you allow this thing.
Config.blockedClientEvents - is a table that contains names of events registered on client side and if a player executes them he will get punished at first execution. In this table you can add different events which are not registered in your resources (client files). Config.antiblacklistedClientEvents will make the punishment at first execution if it is set to true. It is recommended to set it to true. Config.blacklistedClientEventsPenalty represents the punishment for the player who executes the action. The punishment can be WARNING, KICK or BAN. It is recommended to keep it as it is in configuration file by default. In this case, it is recommended to keep it with ban punishment because if he calls a trigger that does not even exist in your resources (client files) it is obvious that he is using an executor or a menu.
Keep the same format if you want to add client event names. If you have registered in your server one of the client events, remove them (delete them) and keep only blacklisted event names that you do not have in your resources and cannot be used at all.
Config.blockedServerEvents - is a table that contains names of events registered on server side and if a player executes them he will get punished at first execution. In this table you can add different events which are not registered in your resources (server files). Config.antiblacklistedServerEvents will make the punishment at first execution if it is set to true. It is recommended to set it to true. Config.blacklistedServerEventsPenalty represents the punishment for the player who executes the action. The punishment can be WARNING, KICK or BAN. It is recommended to keep it as it is in configuration file by default. In this case, it is recommended to keep it with ban punishment because if he calls a trigger that does not even exist in your resources (server files) it is obvious that he is using an executor or a menu.
Keep the same format if you want to add server event names. If you have registered in your server one of the server events, remove them (delete them) and keep only blacklisted event names that you do not have in your resources and cannot be used at all.
Config.showPrints - will show prints on server console in case someone has been detected by anticheat. It is recommended to set it to true in order to have an evidence on server console as well, not only on discord.
Config.steamlicense - will force player to link his steam account to his fivem account when he tries to connect to the server if it is set to true. It is recommended to set it on false to not force the player to use his steam.
Config.rockstarlicense - will force player to have a rockstar (social club) account when he tries to connect to the server if it is set to true. It is recommended to set it to true to force player to own a rockstar (social club) account.
Config.discordlicense - will force player to link his discord account to his fivem account when he tries to connect to the server if it is set to true. It is recommended to set it on false to not force the player to use his discord, but you can also set it to true in case you want to find out who is he on discord by getting his discord id. This feature does not mean that will force to join your server discord in order to connect to the server, it means just to have his discord account linked to his fivem account.
Config.XSSConnect - will check player's name when he tries to connect to the server. If it is set to true, if the player's name contains special characters, links, harmful expressions he will not be able to connect to the server. If the player's name contains one of these things, it could be harmful to your server, so it is recommended to set it to true.
Config.emojiConnect - will check player's name when he tries to connect to the server. If it is set to true, if the player's name contains emojis he will not be able to connect to the server. If the player's name contains one of these things, it could be harmful to your server, so it is recommended to set it to true.
Config.antiMultipleSessions - will check if the player is already connected with his rockstar account on the server. If it is set to true, if the player is already connected to the server he will not be able to connect to the server as he will be on the server with more than one session, which can cause missing player information, so you cannot find the player or maybe crash the server. It is recommended to set it to true because it could be harmful to your server.
Config.antiBanEvade - will check if the player has been banned before and if they are already banned from anticheat and try to ban evade by bypassing through some spoofing methods. If it is set to true, if a player joins to the server this feature will check if the player has already been banned, based on banId, and if he had been banned he will get banned again. This feature is another check to validate if the player has been banned before beside his identifiers and tokens, based on KVP method.
Config.deathPrint - will print the player who killed you in F8 console. This might be helpful in case a cheater finds a way to kill you from distance so you can find him. Usually, if a cheater finds a way to kill you it might be with an explosion that is allowed from configuration file. It is recommended to set it to true.
Config.ComaHealth - is the value when the player is in coma (dead). For example, if you are in coma (dead) at 120 HP, the value in config should be 121 (adding 1 to the coma health).
Config.antiFreeze - will unfreeze the player or player's vehicle if he/it is frozen if it is set to true. It is recommended to set it to true, even though there are functions in the server that can freeze the player/player's vehicle. In the future updates there will be a check if he/it is frozen by server or anticheat and if he/it is not it will get unfreeze, otherwise he/it will stay frozen. This check will have to be done manually in the entire server by adding an export.
Config.antiKillEngine - will prevent cheaters to destroy your vehicle's engine if it is set to true. It is recommended to set it to true.
Config.antiKillWheels - will prevent cheaters to destroy your vehicle's wheels if it set to true. It is recommended to set it to true.
Config.antiFire - will prevent fire to be spawned on the server from any actions if it set to true. It is recommended to set it to true to avoid causing players on fire, vehicles on fire, areas on fire.
Config.antiFlyingVehicles - will prevent launching vehicles in the sky, launching vehicles with very high speed while driving, manipulate vehicles speed or position and throwing them into players to cause damage if it is set to true. This feature is available for nearby vehicles that are tried to be manipulated. It is recommended to set it to true. This feature has the highest CPU usage (0.02-0.04 ms), but creates safety on your server for the vehicles around the players to not be manipulated. Even though this feature has the highest CPU usage (it depends on the number of vehicles around), it is recommended to set this to true in order to not allow players or cheaters to manipulate the vehicle position or speed around the players. Also, this feature will prevent vehicle explosion by deleting the nearby vehicle if it has a high engine damage in order to prevent another explosion. This will also help if the player explodes from a cheat or not or trying to manipulate the vehicle so long until the car is on fire.
In case the cheater calls any function of this type, in their print it will show the player's vehicle, so it will be a lie in order to tell you a wrong information. Do not action only if you are sure that the player who tries to manipulate the vehicle position or speed is legit.
Config.antiVehicleWeapons - will prevent vehicles to have weapons if it is set to true. It is recommended to keep to true in order to disable all kind of weapons on the vehicles.
Config.antiVoid and Config.antiFallingPeds - will prevent players from falling through the map, force fall (ragdolling by someone who is cheating) or teleporting to invalid positions if they are set to true. It is recommended to keep them both to true.
Config.antiKill - will prevent cheaters kill you from executor / menu with different methods if it is set to true. It is recommended to set it to true. Config.antiKillPenalty represents the punishment for the player who executes the action. The punishment can be WARNING, KICK or BAN. It is recommended to keep it as it is in configuration file by default. In this case, it is recommended to keep it with ban punishment to avoid killing other players.
Config.antiSound - will prevent cheaters to execute sounds on the server to all players if it is set to true. It is recommended to set it to true. Config.soundPenalty represents the punishment for the player who executes the action. The punishment can be WARNING, KICK or BAN. It is recommended to keep it as it is in configuration file by default. In this case, it is recommended to keep it with ban punishment to avoid playing sounds on the server.
Config.clearPedTasksEvent - will prevent cheaters to perform manipulation on players or vehicles (vehicle kick, fly all vehicles, fly all players, carry all players and more) if it is set to true. It is recommended to set it to true. Config.pedtaskseventPenalty represents the punishment for the player who executes the action. The punishment can be WARNING, KICK or BAN. It is recommended to keep it as it is in configuration file by default. In this case, it is recommended to keep it with ban punishment to avoid manipulate players or vehicles on the server.
Config.antiLoadout - will prevent players to connect with loadout citizen file by checking if the player spawns with a weapon in hand without selecting it from weapon wheel if it is set to true. Config.loadoutPenalty represents the punishment for the player who executes the action. The punishment can be WARNING, KICK or BAN. It is recommended to keep it as it is in configuration file by default. In this case, it is recommended to keep it with ban punishment to avoid connecting with loadout citizen file.
Loadout citizen file is a file that can be added to fivem data that can load weapons for players (only for those who loads the file) in game when he connect to the server.
It is recommended to activate the pure level in your server.cfg, even though the player will lose their graphics mode or other files that can benefit them. To add the pure level in your server.cfg you have to add this line:
sv_pureLevel 1
Config.antigiveWeapon - will prevent cheaters to send weapons to other players if it is set to true. It is recommended to set it to true. Config.giveweaponPenalty represents the punishment for the player who executes the action. The punishment can be WARNING, KICK or BAN. It is recommended to keep it as it is in configuration file by default. In this case, it is recommended to keep it with ban punishment to avoid sending weapons to other players from executors / menus. It is usually used by cheaters to give player a specific weapon or all weapons.
Config.antiremoveWeapon - will prevent cheaters to remove weapons from other players if it is set to true. It is recommended to set it to true. Config.removeweaponPenalty represents the punishment for the player who executes the action. The punishment can be WARNING, KICK or BAN. It is recommended to keep it as it is in configuration file by default. In this case, it is recommended to keep it with ban punishment to avoid removing weapons to other players from executors / menus. It is usually used by cheaters to remove player a specific weapon or all weapons for trolling.
Config.antiProjectiles - will prevent cheaters to send projectiles (kind of explosion from heavy weapons: RPG, Grenade Launcher, Homing Launcher, Railgun and others) if it is set to true. It is recommended to set it to true. Config.projectilePenalty represents the punishment for the player who executes the action. The punishment can be WARNING, KICK or BAN. It is recommended to keep it as it is in configuration file by default. In this case, it is recommended to keep it with ban punishment to avoid sending projectiles on the server and damage the players.
Config.countProjectiles - will start counting each player projectiles used in a certain period of time (Config.projectilesTimer). If a player cause an amount of any type of projectiles (Config.projectilesCounter) in a certain period of time (Config.projectilesTimer seconds) he will get punished. Config.countProjectilesPenalty represents the punishment for the player who executes the action. The punishment can be WARNING, KICK or BAN. It is recommended to keep it as it is in configuration file by default. In this case, it is recommended to keep it with ban because it can be harmful for your server to spawn a big amount of projectiles in a short time on the server.
Projectiles feature is based on the same principle as explosions.
Config.antiSpectate - will prevent players spectating other players if it is set to true. It is recommended to set it to true if you do not have any function to your server that allow staff members to spectate players. In case you have such function you have four ways to not punish your staff members. The first way is to add the staff members in whitelist, the second way is to remove the function from your server and keep it only in anticheat menu, the third way is to modify Config.spectatePenalty to warning (not recommended) or the fourth way is to set Config.antiSpectate to false (not recommended). You have to handle this situation and choose one of four ways. Config.spectatePenalty represents the punishment for the player who executes the action. The punishment can be WARNING, KICK or BAN. It is recommended to keep it as it is in configuration file by default. In this case, it is recommended to keep it with ban because many cheaters spectate other players.
Config.antiFreecam - will prevent players to use freecam mode if it is set to true. It is recommended to set it to false in case you have scripts that use freecam and the distance between the player and camera view position is long distance. Config.freecamPenalty represents the punishment for the player who executes the action. The punishment can be WARNING, KICK or BAN. It is recommended to keep it as it is in configuration file by default. In this case, it is recommended to keep it with warning because you can have scripts in server that use camera view and there is a long distance between the player and camera view position. By default, Config.antiFreecam is set to false and Config.freecamPenalty is set to warning. You have to handle this situation in case you have to set it to true.
Config.antiFreecamShot - will prevent players to shoot from freecam mode if it is set to true. It is recommended to set it to true. Config.freecamshotPenalty represents the punishment for the player who executes the action. The punishment can be WARNING, KICK or BAN. It is recommended to keep it as it is in configuration file by default. In this case, it is recommended to keep it with ban because shooting from freecam is usually made by cheaters who use freecam mode and shoot from it.
Config.antiNoclip - will prevent players to use noclip / fly if it is set to true. It is recommended to set it to true if you do not have any function to your server that allow staff members to enter in noclip / fly mode. In case you have such function you have four ways to not punish your staff members. The first way is to add the staff members in whitelist, the second way is to remove the function from your server and keep it only in anticheat menu, the third way is to modify Config.noclipPenalty to warning (not recommended) or the fourth way is to set Config.antiNoclip to false (not recommended). You have to handle this situation and choose one of four ways. Config.noclipPenalty represents the punishment for the player who executes the action. The punishment can be WARNING, KICK or BAN. By default, Config.antiNoclip is set to false. You have to handle this situation in case you have to set it to true.
Config.antiInvisible - will prevent players to use invisible mode if it is set to true. It is recommended to set it to true only if your noclip does not produce positive detection on invisible mode on staff members. Config.invisiblePenalty represents the punishment for the player who executes the action. The punishment can be WARNING, KICK or BAN. It is recommended to keep it as it is in configuration file by default. In this case, it is recommended to keep it with ban because it can be harmful for your server to have a player that is invisible and maybe troll others (punching, shooting). By default, Config.antiInvisible is set to true and Config.invisiblePenalty is set to ban. You have to handle this situation in case you have it is set to true and check if you are in noclip if you are detected as invisible.
Config.antiGodmode - in beta. you can leave it on true (conflict with other features from anticheat which are more important).
Config.antiInfiniteHealth - will prevent players to exceed 200 health (theoretically it is not possible, but maybe there can be a risk) if it is set to true. It is recommended to set it to true. Config.infinitehealthPenalty represents the punishment for the player who executes the action. The punishment can be WARNING, KICK or BAN. It is recommended to keep it as it is in configuration file by default. In this case, it is recommended to keep it with ban because it can be considered god mode.
Config.antiInfiniteArmor - will prevent players to exceed 200 armor (theoretically it is not possible, but maybe there can be a risk) if it is set to true. It is recommended to set it to true. Config.infinitearmorPenalty represents the punishment for the player who executes the action. The punishment can be WARNING, KICK or BAN. It is recommended to keep it as it is in configuration file by default. In this case, it is recommended to keep it with ban because it can be considered god mode.
Config.antiInfiniteAmmo - will prevent player to use infinite ammo (exceed maximum bullet amount loaded in weapon, which is 250 or Config.MaximumAmmo (it is set by default 250) or having maximum bullet amount without decreasing the amount) if it set to true. It is recommended to set it to true. Config.infiniteammoPenalty represents the punishment for the player who executes the action. The punishment can be WARNING, KICK or BAN. It is recommended to keep it as it is in configuration file by default. In this case, it is recommended to keep it with ban because it can be harmful for other players that someone has infinite ammo and no reloading while they are fighting.
Config.antiInfiniteStamina - in beta. you can leave it on false (no reason that it is in beta. just made other more important things).
Config.antiMetaFiles - will prevent player to use meta files (aimbot file, magic bullet file, fast ladder climbing, fast swim, x64 file, damage boost, fire rate) if it is set to true. It is recommended to set it to true. Config.metafilesPenalty represents the punishment for the player who executes the action. The punishment can be WARNING, KICK or BAN. It is recommended to keep it as it is in configuration file by default. In this case, it is recommended to keep it with ban because the player with these files has more benefits than the others and can affect other players' experience and gameplay which are at a disadvantage.
It is recommended to activate the pure level in your server.cfg, even though the player will lose their graphics mode or other files that can benefit them. To add the pure level in your server.cfg you have to add this line:
sv_pureLevel 1
Config.antiRagdoll - will prevent player to use ragdoll function if it is set to true. It is recommended to set it to true in case you do not have any ragdoll function in your server. In case you have a ragdoll function set it to false. Config.ragdollPenalty represents the punishment for the player who executes the action. The punishment can be WARNING, KICK or BAN.
Config.antiNightVision - will prevent player to use night vision if it is set to true. It is recommended to set it to true. Config.nightvisionPenalty represents the punishment for the player who executes the action. The punishment can be WARNING, KICK or BAN. It is recommended to keep it as it is in configuration file by default. In this case, it is recommended to keep it with ban.
Config.antiThermalVision - will prevent player to use night vision if it is set to true. It is recommended to set it to true. Config.thermalvisionPenalty represents the punishment for the player who executes the action. The punishment can be WARNING, KICK or BAN. It is recommended to keep it as it is in configuration file by default. In this case, it is recommended to keep it with ban.
Config.antiMenyoo - will prevent player to use menyoo function if it is set to true. It is recommended to set it to true, even though all objects / props are blocked and allow only objects / props from Config.whitelistedProps. Config.menyooPenalty represents the punishment for the player who executes the action. The punishment can be WARNING, KICK or BAN. It is recommended to keep it as it is in configuration file by default. In this case, it is recommended to keep it with warning.
Config.antiTrackPlayers - will prevent player to track players on the map with blips if it set to true. It is recommended to set it to true if you do not have any function to your server that allow staff members to turn on blips to see the players on the map. In case you have such function you have four ways to not punish your staff members. The first way is to add the staff members in whitelist, the second way is to remove the function from your server and keep it only in anticheat menu, the third way is to modify Config.trackplayersPenalty to warning or the fourth way is to set Config.antiTrackPlayers to false. You have to handle this situation and choose one of four ways. Config.trackplayersPenalty represents the punishment for the player who executes the action. The punishment can be WARNING, KICK or BAN. It is recommended to keep it as it is in configuration file by default. By default, Config.antiTrackPlayers is set to false. You have to handle this situation in case you have to set it to true.
Config.antiSpeedhack - will prevent player to run faster than normally if it set to true. By default it is set to false, if you want you can set it to true. Config.speedhackPenalty represents the punishment for the player who executes the action. The punishment can be WARNING, KICK or BAN. It is recommended to keep it as it is in configuration file by default. In this case, it is recommended to keep it with ban.
Config.antiVehicleSpeedhack - in beta. leave it on false (you already have a vehicle speed check integrated in anti flying vehicles feature which is by default set to true).
Config.antiTinyped - will prevent player to use tiny ped if it is set to true. It is recommended to set it to true. Config.tinypedPenalty represents the punishment for the player who executes the action. The punishment can be WARNING, KICK or BAN. It is recommended to keep it as it is in configuration file by default. In this case, it is recommended to keep it with ban.
Config.antiChangeVehiclePlate - will prevent player to change the vehicle plate while he is in the vehicle if it is set to true. It is recommended to set it to true. Config.changeVehiclePlatePenalty represents the punishment for the player who executes the action. The punishment can be WARNING, KICK or BAN. It is recommended to keep it as it is in configuration file by default. In this case, it is recommended to keep it with ban.
Config.antiBlacklistedPlate - will prevent player to change the vehicle plate into a blacklisted vehicle plate while he is in the vehicle if it is set to true. It is recommended to set it to true. Config.blacklistedPlatePenalty represents the punishment for the player who executes the action. The punishment can be WARNING, KICK or BAN. It is recommended to keep it as it is in configuration file by default. In this case, it is recommended to keep it with ban.
Config.antiSuperJump - will prevent player to use super jump if it it set on true. It is recommended to set it to true. Config.superjumpPenalty represents the punishment for the player who executes the action. The punishment can be WARNING, KICK or BAN. It is recommended to keep it as it is in configuration file by default. In this case, it is recommended to keep it with ban.
Config.antiPickup - will prevent player to use pickup function of an item or object / prop from the ground and also give weapon method if it is set to true. It is recommended to set it to true even though the items or objects / props will be deleted if they are not whitelisted in Config.whitelistedProps. Config.pickupPenalty represents the punishment for the player who executes the action. The punishment can be WARNING, KICK or BAN. It is recommended to keep it as it is in configuration file by default. In this case, it is recommended to keep it with ban.
Config.antiResourceStop - will prevent player to stop anticheat resource if it is set to true. It is recommended to set it to true. Stopping the resource means that client lost the tranmission with server and there are four cases when the client loses the transmission with the server which are:
Stopping resource from executor
Server / host low performance
Player's low pc performance
Player's bad internet connection
Stopping resource from executor is the most common reason. In case all players got kicked for stop resource it means that the server/host has low performance. In case only one player got kicked for stop resource it means he stopped the resource or he has low pc performance or bad internet connection, where stop resource is the most common reason. Config.antiStopResourcePenalty represents the punishment for the player who executes the action. The punishment can be WARNING, KICK or BAN. It is recommended to keep it as it is in configuration file by default. In this case, it is recommended to keep it with kick to be considered as timeout.
Config.antiVehicleGrab - in beta. you can leave it on false (you already have a vehicle manipulation check integrated in anti flying vehicles feature which is by default set to true).
Config.AntiMenus - will prevent player to inject some menus if it is set to true. It is recommended to set it to true. Config.menuPenalty represents the punishment for the player who executes the action. The punishment can be WARNING, KICK or BAN. It is recommended to keep it as it is in configuration file by default. In this case, it is recommended to keep it with ban.
Config.antiStunPlayer - will prevent player to tase other players from executor / menu if it is set to true. It is recommended to set it to true. Config.stunplayerPenalty represents the punishment for the player who executes the action. The punishment can be WARNING, KICK or BAN. It is recommended to keep it as it is in configuration file by default. In this case, it is recommended to keep it with ban.
Config.antiFallingPeds - will prevent player falling through the map if it is set to true. It is recommended to set it to true.
Config.antiFastReload - will prevent player to fast reload the weapon if it is set to true. It is recommended to set it to true. Config.antifastreloadPenalty represents the punishment for the player who executes the action. The punishment can be WARNING, KICK or BAN. It is recommended to keep it as it is in configuration file by default. In this case, it is recommended to keep it with ban.
Fast reload the weapon can be produced by meta files for fast reload the weapon, cheating functions or bug abuse by the players through key bindings or commands from other scripts. In case you give them permission to bug abuse through such things you can set this to false.
Config.antiAimbot - will prevent player to use aimbot if it is set to true. It is recommended to set it to true. This feature does not punish the player if he uses aimbot, it just disable the functionality of aimbot. This feature will also prevent aimbot files. Showcase available on Anti aimbot category
Config.antiSilentAim - will prevent player to use silent aimbot and magic bullet if it is set to true. It is recommended to set it to true. This feature does not punish the player if he uses silent aimbot or magic bullet, it just disable the functionality of silent aimbot and magic bullet. Showcase available on Anti aimbot category
Config.antiMagicBullets - will block shooting through textures if it is set to true. This feature blocks shooting through textures without damage other players as a normal player. Shooting through textures can be done by any player without any third party software or citizen file and this feature will not allow shooting through the walls. It is recommended to set it to true.
Config.antiESP - will eliminate visible location details of players such as boxes, lines, skeletons, name tag, health bar. It is recommended to set it to true. This feature does not punish the player if he uses ESP, as ESP softwares are impossible to be detected. This feature will just eliminate the ESP if the visible location details of players do not show for the dead players.
It is recommended to activate the pure level in your server.cfg, even though the player will lose their graphics mode or other files that can benefit them in order to be sure that he is not using any type of cheating files (such magic bullet even through it will not work with Config.antiSilentAim feature). To add the pure level in your server.cfg you have to add this line:
sv_pureLevel 1
Config.antiSpawnWeaponSafe - will prevent player to use spawned safe weapons from executor / menu if it is set to true. It is recommended to set it to true. Config.antiSpawnWeaponSafePenalty represents the punishment for the player who executes the action. The punishment can be WARNING, KICK or BAN. It is recommended to keep it as it is in configuration file by default. In this case, it is recommended to keep it with warning to just unequip the weapon, but in case you want to kick or ban you can set the penalty on your preferences.
Config.antiCrasher - will prevent player to crash your server if it is set to true. It is recommended to set it to true. Crashing the server is possible due to not updating the artifacts. Updating your artifacts is the best fix. If you update your artifacts regularly you can set this to false.
Config.antiDevTools - will prevent player to access the devtools if it is set to true. It is recommended to set it to true. Config.antiDevToolsPenalty represents the punishment for the player who executes the action. The punishment can be WARNING, KICK or BAN. It is recommended to keep it as it is in configuration file by default. In this case, it is recommended to keep it with ban because a player does not need access to see what is in devtools. In this way, there are no risk of stealing NUI from the server or executing POST requests using JavaScript.
Config.antiTriggerPenalty - represents the punishment for the player who executes a trigger from executor. The punishment can be KICK or BAN. It is recommended to keep it as it is in configuration file by default. In this case, it is recommended to keep it with ban because the only way to get banned from anti trigger feature is to call the event from executor. If there is a normal player and a trigger is called from scripts normally, there will not be any problem, but if he calls from executor then he will be detected and punished.
Config.antiVDM - will prevent damage from cars on players if it is set to true. It is recommended to set it to true in order to prevent troll or different situations when cheaters' actions can kill players
Config.antiSoloSession - will prevent players to be on solo session (isolated session without any other players) if it is set to true. It is recommended to set it to true in order to avoid issues with tracking that player who is on solo session or other server issues (desync, lag, crash).
Config.antiCombatRoll - will prevent players to combat roll while they are aiming if it is set to true. By default it is set to false because you maybe prefer this to not be prevented in players' gun fights. This feature also prevent infinite combat roll from cheats.
Config.useModuleScreenshotBasic - checks if you have installed the screenshot-basic resource in your server if it is set to true. Screenshot-basic is a basic resource provided by FiveM for making screenshots of clients' game. Installing screenshot-basic resource requires to also add its dependencies yarn and webpack which are also basic resources provided by FiveM. Without these dependencies, only the screenshot-basic resource installed, the resource screenshot-basic will not start. Config.useModuleScreenshotBasic is used for the anti blacklisted words on screen (anti menus) system / OCR system in order to record the player's screen. In case Config.useModuleScreenshotBasic is set to true, but you do not have the screenshot-basic resource installed and started, the anti blacklisted words on screen / OCR system will not work.
Config.antiBlacklistedWordsOnScreen - will prevent players to use menus by detecting blacklisted words on the player's screen through OCR (Optical Character Recognition) system if it is set to true. This feature requires to set to true the Config.useModuleScreenshotBasic and install screenshot-basic resource with its dependencies (yarn, webpack).
Config.blacklistedWordsOnScreen - is a table which contains a list of words that can be found in majority of cheating menus. If Config.useModuleScreenshotBasic and Config.antiBlacklistedWordsOnScreen are set to true, anti blacklisted words on screen / OCR system will monitor the player's screen and in case the player's screen contains one of these words from the table, the player will be punished with Config.antiBlacklistedWordsOnScreenPenalty.
Anti blacklisted words on screen / OCR (Optical Character Recognition) system will catch faster a player that injected a menu for cheating, but even if it is set to false, it does not mean the anticheat will not detect cheaters' actions. By setting Config.useModuleScreenshotBasic and Config.antiBlacklistedWordsOnScreen to true, this feature will just detect and punish faster the player who has a menu on the screen by detecting the blacklisted words on screen from Config.blacklistedWordsOnScreen.
By default this feature is set to false (Config.antiBlacklistedWordsOnScreen) to let you install the resources screenshot-basic, yarn, webpack first in order to make it work. After installing these resources provided by FiveM you can set Config.useModuleScreenshotBasic and Config.antiBlacklistedWordsOnScreen to true.
In case your server uses similar menus to cheating menus (made with Rage UI) be sure that the words from the table will not exist in your server menus. Also, in case there are punishment with words that exist in the table, but the player does not use a cheating menu, remove the word from the table. This thing usually happens with short words, so you should avoid adding short words in the table. In case the player is banned for being detected with a blacklisted word on the screen but you do not see a cheating menu on his screen, you have to remove that word from the table.
Config.antiSuperPunch - will prevent players to use super punch function by dectecting high damage on punching other players if it is set to true. It is recommended to set it to true. Config.antiSuperPunchpenalty represents the punishment for the player who uses this type of function. The punishment can be WARNING, KICK or BAN. It is recommended to keep it as it is in configuration file by default. In this case, it is recommended to keep it with ban.
Config.antiDamageModifier - will prevent players to modify or multiply their weapon damage if it is set to true. It is recommended to set it to true. Config.antiDamageModifierPenalty represents the punishment for the player who executes the action. The punishment can be WARNING, KICK or BAN. It is recommended to keep it as it is in configuration file by default. In this case, it is recommended to keep it with ban.
Damage modifier and damage multiplier are two different ways to affect the weapon damage, but both will be checked under Config.antiDamageModifier feature. Damage modifier applies changes to the player, while damage multiplier applies to the weapon. For anti damage modifier check, if the player weapon damage modifier is higher than the value of Config.maximumWeaponDamageModifier, the player will be warned with Config.antiDamageModifierPenalty. For anti damage multiplier check, if the weapon damage is higher than default values (weapon damage when player weapon damage modifier is less than or equal to 1.0), the player will be warned with Config.antiDamageModifierPenalty